에서 검색결과 54건 | 목록
2023 International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Networks and Security (ICCINS) Computational Intelligence, Networks and Security (ICCINS), 2023 International Conference on. :1-6 Dec, 2023
Academic Journal
Deshpande, Rashmi; Raina, Prerna; Shinde, Kavita; Mansara, Prakash; Karandikar, Manjiri; Kaul-Ghanekar, Ruchika
In Prostaglandins and Other Lipid Mediators August 2019 143
Academic Journal
Saraf, Ketan; Patil, Ashok; Tupsakhare, Suyog; Deshpande, Rashmi; Gade, Lalitkumar; Kulkarni, Shailesh
Academic Journal
Jatti, Vijaykumar S.; Sawant, Dhruv A.; Deshpande, Rashmi; Saluankhe, Sachin; Cep, Robert; Nasr, Emad Abouel; Mahmoud, Haitham A.
Frontiers in Materials; 2024, p1-14, 14p
Academic Journal
Academic Journal
Bantwal, Anuradha R.; Deshpande, Rashmi; Indurkar, Rewa; Bhatnagar, Salaj; Wadhera, Meenakshi; Sridhara, Aditya; Lalwani, Neera; Agarwal, Asha; Oza, Ramesh K.; Narayan, Neevita; Sasidharan, P.; Mallikarjun, B.; Saha, Chandan; Bhale, Priya; Deshpande, Shweta; Mandke, Kalyani
2017 2nd International Conference on Communication Systems, Computing and IT Applications (CSCITA) Communication Systems, Computing and IT Applications (CSCITA), 2017 2nd International Conference on. :178-183 Apr, 2017
Academic Journal
Winer, Eric S.; Garcia, Jacqueline S.; Stone, Richard M; Wadleigh, Martha; Luskin, Marlise R.; Stahl, Maximilian; Chen, Evan C.; Leonard, Rebecca; Noyes, Alexis; Galinsky, Ilene; Deshpande, Rashmi; Borderies, Pascal; O'Neill, Vincent; DeAngelo, Daniel J.
In Blood 2 November 2023 142 Supplement 1:1549-1549
Academic Journal
Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Series B; Oct2023, Vol. 104 Issue 5, p1043-1052, 10p
Academic Journal
International Research Journal of Innovations in Engineering & Technology; 2023 Special Issue, Vol. 7, p142-146, 5p
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[AR] Deshpande, Rashmi
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