에서 검색결과 352건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Navarro, M.A.; Navarro, C.; Franco-Zorrilla, J.M.; González-Serrano, S.; Leyva, A.; Hernández, L.E.; Garnica, M.; García-Mina, J.M.; Burko, Y.; Pruneda-Paz, J.; Chory, J.
In: New Phytologist . (New Phytologist, December 2024, 244(5):1882-1900)
Academic Journal
Martínez-Vasallo, C.; Pérez-Alemany, J.; Ortiz-Ramírez, C.I.; Gallego-Bartolomé, J.; Nohales, M.A.; Cole, B.; Kay, S.A.; Chory, J.
In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America . (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 23 July 2024, 121(30))
Academic Journal
In: Ecology and Evolution . (Ecology and Evolution, May 2024, 14(5))
Academic Journal
In: Plant and Cell Physiology . (Plant and Cell Physiology, 1 September 2023, 64(9):996-1007)
Academic Journal
Procko, C.; Dabi, T.; Chory, J.; Wong, W.M.; Patel, J.; Duque, M.; Chalasani, S.H.; Mousavi, S.A.R.; Baird, L.
In: Current Biology . (Current Biology, 7 August 2023, 33(15):3257-3264.e4)
Academic Journal
Eckardt, N.A.; Ainsworth, E.A.; Bahuguna, R.N.; Broadley, M.R.; Castrillo, G.; Salt, D.E.; Busch, W.; Chory, J.; Carpita, N.C.; Dehaan, L.R.; Duarte, C.M.; Henry, A.; Platten, J.D.; Jagadish, S.V.K.; Langdale, J.A.; Leakey, A.D.B.; Liao, J.C.; Lu, K.-J.; McCann, M.C.; McKay, J.K.; Odeny, D.A.; Jorge De Oliveira, E.; Rabbi, I.; Rim, E.Y.; Ronald, P.C.; Shigenaga, A.M.; Wang, E.; Zhang, X.; Wolfe, M.
In: Plant Cell . (Plant Cell, January 2023, 35(1):24-66)
Academic Journal
In: Nature Communications . (Nature Communications, December 2022, 13(1))
Academic Journal
In: Plant Direct . (Plant Direct, September 2022, 6(9))
Academic Journal
Procko, C.; Lee, T.; Dabi, T.; Ecker, J.R.; Chory, J.; Nery, J.R.; Borsuk, A.; Brodersen, C.; Bargmann, B.O.R.; Estelle, M.; Baird, L.; O'Connor, C.
In: Plant Cell . (Plant Cell, September 2022, 34(9):3261-3279)
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[AR] Chory, J.
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