elsevier b.v. (1,116)
elsevier ltd (955)
institute of electrical and electronics engineers inc. (807)
ieee (418)
american chemical society (385)
royal society of chemistry (356)
mdpi (263)
elsevier inc. (214)
springer (210)
nature publishing group (155)
american physical society (113)
springer nature (102)
elsevier (101)
sage publications ltd (60)
elsevier ireland ltd (50)
sage publications inc. (47)
wiley-blackwell (46)
american association for the advancement of science (32)
science in china press (32)
taylor & francis ltd (31)
american institute of physics (29)
cambridge university press (29)
amer physical soc (18)
amer thoracic soc (17)
institution of engineering & technology (17)
springer international publishing (15)
iop publishing (14)
oxford univ press (13)
lippincott williams & wilkins (12)
world scientific publishing company (6)
cambridge univ press (5)
elsevier bv (5)
linkopings universitet, tekniska hogskolan (5)
linkopings universitet, teoretisk fysik (5)
materials science division, argonne national laboratory, argonne, illinois usa (5)
materials science division, argonne national laboratory, argonne, illinois, usa (5)
physics department, illinois institute of technology, chicago, illinois, usa (5)
physics department, illinois institute of technology, chicago, illinois, usa, argonne natl lab, div mat sci, argonne, il 60439 usa (5)
physics department, university of illinois at chicago, chicago, illinois, usa (5)
superconducting materials department, technical division, !fermi national accelerator laboratory, batavia, illinois, usa (5)
wiley-v c h verlag gmbh (4)
verduci editore (3)
nature publishing group uk (2)
pleiades publishing (2)
springernature (2)
springer-verlag (2)
w b saunders co ltd (2)
amer. math. soc., providence, ri (1)
associacao brasileira de divulgacao cientifica (1)
springer, new york (1)