에서 검색결과 80건 | 목록
Academic Journal
In: Frontiers in Plant Science . (Frontiers in Plant Science, 2024, 15)
Academic Journal
In: Plants . (Plants, January 2023, 12(1))
Academic Journal
In: Frontiers in Plant Science . (Frontiers in Plant Science, 3 March 2022, 13)
Academic Journal
In: Plants . (Plants, January-1 2022, 11(1))
Academic Journal
Peterson, A.; Kishchenko, O.; Zhou, Y.; Borisjuk, N.; Vasylenko, M.; Kuchuk, M.; Giritch, A.; Sun, J.
In: Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology . (Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 4 November 2021, 9)
Academic Journal
In: Molecular Biotechnology . (Molecular Biotechnology, October 2021, 63(10):953-962)
Academic Journal
In: Frontiers in Plant Science . (Frontiers in Plant Science, 24 June 2021, 12)
Academic Journal
Hoang, P.T.N.; Fiebig, A.; Cao, H.X.; Scholz, U.; Schubert, I.; Novák, P.; Macas, J.; Stepanenko, A.; Chen, G.; Borisjuk, N.
In: Scientific Reports . (Scientific Reports, 1 December 2020, 10(1))
Academic Journal
Jatayev, S.; Kurishbayev, A.; Zotova, L.; Absattarova, A.; Serikbay, D.; Sukhikh, I.; Vavilova, V.; Smolenskaya, S.E.; Goncharov, N.P.; Hu, Y.-G.; Borisjuk, N.; Gupta, N.K.; Jacobs, B.; de Groot, S.; Koekemoer, F.; Alharthi, B.; Lethola, K.; Cu, D.T.; Schramm, C.; Anderson, P.; Jenkins, C.L.D.; Soole, K.L.; Shavrukov, Y.; Langridge, P.
In: Plant Cell and Environment . (Plant Cell and Environment, 1 October 2020, 43(10):2355-2364)
Academic Journal
Gu, Y.; Dong, K.; Yang, W.; Yan, Y.; Liu, N.; Borisjuk, N.; Luo, Y.; Geisen, S.; Gu, D.; Friman, V.-P.
In: Plant and Soil . (Plant and Soil, 1 July 2020, 452(1-2):105-117)
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[AR] Borisjuk, N.
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