에서 검색결과 71건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Durnez, Clémentine; Virmontois, Cédric; Panuel, Pierre; Antonsanti, Aubin; Goiffon, Vincent; Estribeau, Magali; Saint-Pé, Olivier; Lalucaa, Valérian; Berdin, Erick; Larnaudie, Franck; Belloir, Jean-Marc; Codreanu, Catalin; Chavanne, Ludovic
Academic Journal
Théret, Nicolas; Cucchetti, Edoardo; Robert, Emilie; Virmontois, Cédric; Millancourt, Charles; Douaglin, Quentin; Amsili, Alice; Belloir, Jean-Marc; Amilineni, Santosh; Khoory, Mohammed; Ioannou, Zacharias; Lalucaa, Valerian; Lucas, Sylvain; Yana, Charles
2019 19th European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS) Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS), 2019 19th European Conference on. :1-4 Sep, 2019
Belloir, Jean-Marc; Goiffon, Vincent; Virmontois, Cedric; Raine, Melanie; Paillet, Philippe; Magnan, Pierre; Gilard, Olivier
2015 15th European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS) Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS), 2015 15th European Conference on. :1-4 Sep, 2015
Jouni, Ali; Malherbe, Victor; Mamdy, Bastien; Thery, Thomas; Sicre, Mathieu; Soussan, Dimitri; Lorquet, Vincent; Paoli, Serge De; Belloir, Jean-Marc; Lalucaa, Valerian; Virmontois, Cedric; Gasiot, Gilles; Goiffon, Vincent
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science; August 2023, Vol. 70 Issue: 8 p1680-1686, 7p
Jouni, Ali; Sicre, Mathieu; Malherbe, Victor; Mamdy, Bastien; Thery, Thomas; Belloir, Jean-Marc; Soussan, Dimitri; De Paoli, Serge; Lorquet, Vincent; Lalucaa, Valerian; Virmontois, Cedric; Gasiot, Gilles; Goiffon, Vincent
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science; 2023, Vol. 70 Issue: 4 p515-522, 8p
Academic Journal
Le Roch, Alexandre; Virmontois, Cedric; Paillet, Philippe; Belloir, Jean-Marc; Rizzolo, Serena; Marcelot, Olivier; Dewitte, Hugo; Van Uffelen, Marco; Casellas, Laura Mont; Magnan, Pierre; Goiffon, Vincent
Academic Journal
Goiffon, Vincent; Jay, Antoine; Paillet, Philippe; Bilba, Teddy; Deladerriere, Theo; Beaugendre, Guillaume; Le Roch, Alexandre; Dion, Arnaud; Virmontois, Cedric; Belloir, Jean-Marc; Gaillardin, Marc
Academic Journal
Le Roch, Alexandre; Virmontois, Cedric; Paillet, Philippe; Warner, Jeffrey H.; Belloir, Jean-Marc; Magnan, Pierre; Goiffon, Vincent
Academic Journal
Belloir, Jean-Marc; Virmontois, Cedric; Estribeau, Magali; Goiffon, Vincent; Magnan, Pierre; Materne, Alex; Bardoux, Alain
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[AR] Belloir, Jean-Marc
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