에서 검색결과 7건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Haratian, Saber; Gupta, Kapil Kumar; Larsson, Alfred; Abbondanza, Giuseppe; Bartawi, Emad Hasan; Carlà, Francesco; Lundgren, Edvin; Ambat, Rajan
In Corrosion Science September 2023 222
Electronic Resource
Bartawi , E H & Ambat , R 2023 , ' Review of Corrosion Scale Formation in Well Tubing for Carbon Capture and Storage: Insights from X-ray Radiation Analyses ' , Danish Offshore Technology Conference 2023 , Kolding , Denmark , 14/11/2023 - 15/11/2023 .
Electronic Resource
Bartawi , E H 2023 , Influence of tiny concentrations of copper and zinc on the microstructure and intergranular corrosion of Al-Mg- Si alloys . Technical University of Denmark .
Electronic Resource
Bartawi , E H , Gumsen , F , Nordlien , J H & Ambat , R 2022 , ' Microstructure and Intergranular Corrosion of Al-Mg-Si alloy under a Trace level copper content ' , 18th Nordic Corrosion Congress , Turku , Finland , 31/05/2022 - 02/06/2022 .
Electronic Resource
Bartawi , E H , Mishin , O & Ambat , R 2022 , ' Grain boundary characteristics and their correlation to intergranular corrosion of Al-Mg-Si alloy with trace level content of Cu ' , EUROCORR 2022: European Corrosion Congress , Berlin , Germany , 28/08/2022 - 01/09/2022 .
Electronic Resource
Shaban , G , Bartawi , E H , Rizzo , R , Rogowska , M & Ambat , R 2020 , ' Impact of oxygen level on the corrosion behavior of carbon steels used in oil and gas industry ' , EUROCORR 2020 , Brussels , Belgium , 07/09/2020 - 11/09/2020 .
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[AR] Bartawi, Emad Hasan
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