에서 검색결과 42건 | 목록
Academic Journal
In Chemico-Biological Interactions 2009 180(2):254-261
Academic Journal
Academic Journal
In: International Journal of Vehicle Information and Communication Systems . (International Journal of Vehicle Information and Communication Systems, 2019, 4(4):331-343)
Academic Journal
Dijksterhuis, A.; van der Heijden, E.P.A.; Coert, J.H.; Gardiner, M.D.; Rodrigues, J.; Jain, A.; Pinder, R.M.; Smith, K.; Debeij, J.; Howes, R.; Anandan, S.M.; Anesti, K.; Ankarath, S.; Aranganathan, S.; Arnaout, A.; Bainbridge, C.; Basso, O.; Bednarz, B.; Chu, H.; Dean, B.; Dekker, A.; Donnely, E.; Fleet, M.; Fowler, A.; Gallagher, M.; Heinze, Z.; Hommes, J.; Jacob, A.; Jagodzinsky, N.; Jones, M.; Khajuria, A.; Kilbane, L.; Kodumuri, P.; Koziara, M.; Maahi, R.; Mather, D.; Mckenna, H.; Murphy, T.; Newton, A.; Noordzij, N.; Osei-Kuffour, D.; Poulter, R.; Rai, J.; Reay, E.; Shanbhag, V.; Smith, G.; Smits, E.; Spaans, A.; Stevenson, S.; Storey, P.; Stuart, P.; Toh, V.V.; Trickett, R.; Uhiara, O.; Velani, A.; Wensley, K.; West, C.; Wickham, N.
In: Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery . (Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, September 2022, 75(9):3628-3651)
Academic Journal
In Injury Extra December 2010 41(12):206-206
Academic Journal
In: Asian Journal of Scientific Research . (Asian Journal of Scientific Research, 2013, 6(4):789-796)
Academic Journal
In: Phytotherapy Research . (Phytotherapy Research, In Press, 2012)
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[AR] Aranganathan, S.
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