에서 검색결과 108건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Borghini, G.; Di Flumeri, G.; Ronca, V.; Giorgi, A.; Aricò, P.; Capotorto, R.; Rooseleer, F.; Kirwan, B.; De Visscher, I.; Goman, M.; Pugh, J.; Abramov, N.; Granger, G.; Alarcon, D.P.M.; Humm, E.; Pozzi, S.; Babiloni, F.
In: Brain Research Bulletin . (Brain Research Bulletin, September 2024, 215)
Academic Journal
In: ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information . (ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, June 2024, 13(6))
Academic Journal
Lindborg, S.R.; Li, J.; Dagher, B.; Kern, R.; Goyal, N.A.; Mozaffar, T.; Katz, J.; Miller, R.; Jenkins, L.; Burford, M.; Baloh, R.H.; Lewis, R.; Kaspi, H.; Abramov, N.; Blondheim-Shraga, N.R.; Gothelf, Y.; Aricha, R.; Boulanger, B.; Berry, J.D.; Nicholson, K.; Cudkowicz, M.E.; Staff, N.P.; Windebank, A.J.; Owegi, M.A.; Brown, R.H.; Levy, Y.S.; Bowser, R.
In: Muscle and Nerve . (Muscle and Nerve, June 2024, 69(6):719-729)
Academic Journal
In: Fire . (Fire, March 2024, 7(3))
Academic Journal
Abramov, N.; Iarskaia-Smirnova, E.R.; Mansurov, V.A.; Moskovskaya, A.A.; Popova, I.P.; Yurchenko, O.V.; Startseva, N.N.
In: Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniya . (Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniya, 2024, 2024(8):3-21)
A modified dual time integration technique for aerodynamic quasi-static and dynamic stall hysteresis
Academic Journal
In: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering . (Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, September 2023, 237(12):2887-2904)
Academic Journal
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing & Spatial Information Sciences; 2024, Vol. 48 Issue 2/W4, p1-8, 8p
Academic Journal
In: Aeronautical Journal . (Aeronautical Journal, 2023)
Academic Journal
In: GigaScience . (GigaScience, 2023, 12)
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[AR] Abramov, N.
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