부산지역 특급호텔 종사원이 지각하는 고객언어폭력이 감정노동과 감정소진을 통하여 고객지향성에 미치는 영향 / The Influence of Hotel Employees' Perceived Customer Verbal Abuse on Emotional Labor, Emotional Exhaustion and Customer Orientation of five-star Hotels in Busan
Document Type
Dissertation/ Thesis
The service industry is dominated by the notions of customer sovereignty, such as “The customer is always right”, “The customer is king” and “Service with a smile.” These notions create unequal power relationships between customer service representatives (CSRs) and customers, where by CSRs are easily exposed to customer-instigated aggression. However, little is known about how customer mistreatment influences CSRs in the context of hotel customer employee relationship. This study investigated the effect of customer verbal abuse on customer orientation through emotional labor and emotional exhaustion. Data were collected from 230 frontline employees of five-star hotels in Busan. Statistics SPSS 20.0 and AMOS 20.0 were used for the analysis.The results are summarized as follows. 1) Customer language violence increased surface acting in the hotel employees' emotional labor. 2) customer verbal abuse did not affect the emotional exhaustion of hotel employees. 3) surface acting of emotional labor increased emotional exhaustion while deep action reduced emotional exhaustion. 4) emotional exhaustion had negative impace on customer orientation. Finally, findings, implications are discussed in detail and limitations and future research directions of the study are suggested.