멜트블로운 부직포의 오일 흡착에 관한 연구 / A Study on the Oil Absorption Properties of Meltblown Nonwoven Fabric
Document Type
Dissertation/ Thesis
멜트블로운 공정에서 에어압력, 기어펌프 스피드와 DCD는 부직포의 물리적 성질을 좌우하는 매우 중요한 공정인자다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 멜트블로운 부직흡착포의 물성에 영향하는 에어압력, 기어펌프 스피드, DCD(die-to-collector distance)의 방사공정 3인자를 채택하여 시료를 제조하였으며 실험계획법의 실험배치와 분산분석법으로 현장의 재현성과 보편성을 증대시켰으며 이들 물성이 유흡착포의 흡유도, 보유력, 흡유속도 등의 흡유거동에 미치는 영향을 검토함을 목적으로 하였다.그 결과 섬유직경은 기어펌프 스피드가 감소할수록 에어압력이 증가할수록 감소하였고 또한 섬유직경은 기어펌프 스피드가 빠를수록 에어압력의 영향을 많이 받으며 DCD변화에 따른 섬유직경의 변화는 크지 않는 것으로 나타났다.섬유직경과 통기성의 상관계수를 계산하여 본 결과 r의 값은 0.8845로 상관이 있는 것으로 나타났고 산점도를 통하여서도 확인할 수 있었다.흡유도에 대한 실험을 통하여 에어압력이 증가할수록 기어펌프 스피드가 감소할수록 흡유도가 증가하였고 DCD가 증가할수록 흡유도는 큰 폭으로 증가하였다.보유력은 흡유도가 증가할수록 오히려 감소하였다.두께 및 충진밀도 변화에 따른 흡유거동은 두께가 증가할수록 감소하였으며 충진밀도가 증가할수록 흡유도 역시 감소하였다.충진밀도의 변화에 따른 흡유속도는 충진밀도가 증가할수록 증가하였고 충진밀도가 클수록 포화상태시 높은 흡유량을 나타났다.
The principal factors to determine the physical properties of nonwoven fabric under the meltblown processing are air compressure, gearpump speed and DCD(die-to-collector distance). In this study, these three factors were chosen to produce samples. Experimental array and variance analysis of the design of experiment were used to increase the field repeatability and universality. The effect of the factors on oil absorption properties of meltblown nonwoven fabric such as oil absorbency, oil retention, oil absorption rate were evaluated.As a result, the fiber diameter decreased as gearpump speed decreased or air compressure increased. Fiber diameter was dependent on air compressure especially in high gearpump speed. Further more, the fiber diameter wasn't markedly changed by DCD. Fiber diameter and gas permeability correlation was supported by the coefficient of correlation(r=0.8845) and scatter diagram.The oil absorbency increased as air compressure increased or gearpump speed decreased and with the DCD increasing the oil absorbency significantly increased.When the oil absorbency increasing the oil retention decreased.Oil absorbency was reduced with thickness increasing and packing density increasing.Oil absorbency rate was increased with packing density increasing and the higher density packing the higher oil absorbency in saturation state.
The principal factors to determine the physical properties of nonwoven fabric under the meltblown processing are air compressure, gearpump speed and DCD(die-to-collector distance). In this study, these three factors were chosen to produce samples. Experimental array and variance analysis of the design of experiment were used to increase the field repeatability and universality. The effect of the factors on oil absorption properties of meltblown nonwoven fabric such as oil absorbency, oil retention, oil absorption rate were evaluated.As a result, the fiber diameter decreased as gearpump speed decreased or air compressure increased. Fiber diameter was dependent on air compressure especially in high gearpump speed. Further more, the fiber diameter wasn't markedly changed by DCD. Fiber diameter and gas permeability correlation was supported by the coefficient of correlation(r=0.8845) and scatter diagram.The oil absorbency increased as air compressure increased or gearpump speed decreased and with the DCD increasing the oil absorbency significantly increased.When the oil absorbency increasing the oil retention decreased.Oil absorbency was reduced with thickness increasing and packing density increasing.Oil absorbency rate was increased with packing density increasing and the higher density packing the higher oil absorbency in saturation state.