Optimal Operation of Islanded DC Microgrids Based on Distributed Fixed-time Protocol
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2021 22nd International Middle East Power Systems Conference (MEPCON) Middle East Power Systems Conference (MEPCON), 2021 22nd International. :84-89 Dec, 2021
This paper develops a distributed control paradigm for a minimized total generation cost (TGC) of islanded DC microgrids (MGs). The control goal is guaranteeing the optimal load power-sharing among distributed generators (DGs) concerning the optimal charge/discharge of batteries and transmission line losses in the optimization problem. Employing the fixed-time control theory, the proposed controller achieves the control goal within an accelerated settling time irrelevant to the initial states. In which, the proposed controller comprises a fixed-time power optimizer and voltage regulator. In which, matching DGs' incremental costs (ICs) is the responsibility of the power optimizer in order to optimize loading dispatch considering DGs output power limits. Furthermore, the voltage regulator restores the average voltage across the MG to the desired value and accomplishes generations-demands power balance. The superiority of the proposed controller has been verified with diverse simulation cases.