
TASKS: A Real-Time Query System for Instant Error-Tolerant Spatial Keyword Queries on Road Networks
Document Type
2024 IEEE 40th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE) ICDE Data Engineering (ICDE), 2024 IEEE 40th International Conference on. :5409-5412 May, 2024
Computing and Processing
Search problems
Data engineering
Real-time systems
Task analysis
Nowadays, geo-textual data, which consists of both spatial and textual information, have become increasingly preva-lent. The location-based services are ubiquitous in daily life to help users find desirable geo-textual objects. For example, spatial keyword queries return the geo-textual objects that are the most relevant to query location and query keywords. However, entering complete queries (e.g., the query keywords) can be cumbersome and prone to errors. To overcome these limitations, we present a real-time query system called TASKS for instant error-tolerant spatial keyword queries on road networks. TASKS not only returns the results as soon as users type in some characters instead of a complete keyword, but also tolerates typographical errors of input keywords and supports the queries over road networks. We have implemented four modules for TASKS, i.e., Index Module, Query Module, Update Module, and Route Module. In this demonstration, participants will be invited to use TASKS to explore geo-textual objects and routes in a “search-as-you-type” manner.