
Bibliometric analysis of rice and climate change publications based on Web of Science.
Document Type
Theoretical & Applied Climatology. Oct2022, Vol. 150 Issue 1/2, p347-362. 16p. 6 Diagrams, 5 Charts, 3 Graphs.
*FOREST meteorology
*AGRICULTURAL meteorology
*SCIENCE databases
*CLIMATE change
To clarify the current situation, hotspots, and development trends in the field of rice and climate change topic research, a massive literature dataset were analyzed from the Web of Science database by bibliometric method. The research theme was chosen given the continuous increase of studies related to climatic changes and their consequences to rice. Based on the Web of Science core database, this study analyzed 4170 papers in the field of rice and climate change topic research from 1990 to July 2022, which include 86 highly cited papers and 3 hot papers. Papers were mainly written in English (4157, 99.688%), from 16,363 authors, 4017 organizations, and 129 countries/territories, published in 841 journals and seven book series. The top five Journals are Science of the Total Environment (136, 3.261%), Sustainability (89, 2.134%), Agronomy Basel (81, 1.942%), Agricultural and Forest Meteorology (77, 1.847%), and Climatic Change (74, 1.775%), each published more than 74 papers. Top five countries and regions of People's Republic of China, the USA, India, Australia, and Japan were the major article contributors, each published more than 360 papers. Top five organizations of Chinese Acad Sci, Nanjing Agr Univ, Univ Chinese Acad Sci, Chinese Acad Agr Sci, and Int Rice Res Inst (IRRI) were popular based on contribution of articles more than 133 papers each. Among the all authors, top five authors were Tao Fulu, Pan Genxing, Zhang Zhao, Hasegawa Toshihiro, and Iizumi Toshichika, each published more than thirty papers. All keywords were separated into eight clusters for different research topics. Visualizations offer exploratory information on the current state in a scientific field or discipline as well as indicate possible developments in the future. The results will help researchers clarify the current situation in rice and climate change adaptation science but also provide guidance for future research. This work is also useful for student identifying graduate schools and researchers selecting journals. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]