
Análisis de la productividad, colaboración e impacto científico de la cardiología española (1999-2008)
Document Type
Biblioteconomia. Documentació
Patologia del sistema circulatori, dels vasos sanguinis. Trastorns cardiovasculars
Spanish; Castilian
The main objective of this thesis is to analyze, through the use of bibliometric indicators, the scientific activity that is reflected in internationally visible publications that have been generated by Spanish cardiology institutions during the decade 1999-2008. The sources consulted to elaborate this work have been the databases SCI-Expanded (Science Citation Index Expanded) of Thompson Corporation (http: // scientific.thomson.com/aboutus/) and the database Spanish IME/Índice Médico Español elaborated by the National Research Council. The results found that the Spanish production in the area of Cardiology has experienced during the period a 51,10% increase, from 1.104 documents in 1998 to 1.668 in 2008. Likewise, 72,81% of retrieved works were original articles, becoming this documental type such as preferred by the Spanish specialists in cardiology to transmit on their knowledge. Stands out the collaboration with countries of the geographical, cultural or political environment, as the United States and the European western countries, whereas the collaboration is more limited by the countries of the Eastern Europe and of the North (most notably Poland, Finland, Norway and Greece) and Latin America, despite sharing a common language. The European countries with major number of published articles have been United Kingdom (18,62 %) Germany (16,70 %), Italy (13,32 %), France (9,57 %) and Holland (5,62 %), occupying Spain (5,62 %) 6 º place in the European ranking and 11 º in the world one overcome by The United States, Japan, Canada and Australia. The European countries with largest number of published articles have been United Kingdom (18,62 %) Germany (16,70 %), Italy (13,32 %), France (9,57 %) and Holland (5,62 %), occupying Spain (5,62 %) 6th place in the European ranking and 11th in the world one overcome by The United States, Japan, Canada and Australia.