
Anaphylactic shock / Anafylaktisk shock
Document Type
Journal Article
Aktuel Nordisk Odontologi. 39(1):41
Adult / Vuxna
Algorithms / Algoritmer
Anaphylaxis -- diagnosis -- etiology -- epidemiology -- therapy / Allergisk chock -- diagnos -- sjukdomsorsak -- epidemiologi -- terapi
Bronchodilator Agents -- therapeutic use / Bronkvidgande medel -- terapeutisk användning
Dental Care / Tandvård
Dental Equipment -- adverse effects / Tandvårdsutrustning -- biverkningar
Dental Materials -- adverse effects / Tandfyllningsmaterial -- biverkningar
Diagnosis, Differential / Differentialdiagnostik
English Abstract / Engelsk sammanfattning
Epinephrine -- therapeutic use / Adrenalin -- terapeutisk användning
Female / Kvinnlig
Humans / Människa
Narration / Berättande
Airway Management / Luftvägshantering
Anaphylactic reactions can potentially become very severe, and even lethal, if not treated correctly and in time. Several of the medications and materials regularly used by dentists may trigger anaphylactic reactions or shocks in predisposed patients. Deaths due to anaphylactic shock in the dentist’s chair has repeatedly been described in the literature. It is therefore essential for dentists to recognize the symptoms of anaphylaxis and to be familiar with the treatment algorithm. This chapter describes the epidemiology, clinical presentation and pathophysiology of anaphylaxis. An updated overview of the recently proposed treatment algorithm, including a detailed guide to emergency airway management, is also presented. Finally, a case of severe anaphylactic shock in a dental setting is described and discussed.