
Biomarkers in renal cell carcinoma: Are we there yet?
Document Type
Asian Journal of Urology. 8(4)
Biomedical and Clinical Sciences
Oncology and Carcinogenesis
Kidney Disease
4.1 Discovery and preclinical testing of markers and technologies
screening and diagnosis
Renal and urogenital
Good Health and Well Being
Kidney cancer
Clear cell
Non-clear cell
Clinical sciences
Management of kidney cancer has undergone a paradigm shift with the approval of new therapies over the last two decades. Although these drugs have improved clinical outcomes in patients with kidney cancer, there are still a large number of patients who do not show objective responses. A multitude of investigators, including those for The Cancer Genome Atlas have biologically characterized and sub-classified kidney cancer. However, we have not been able to identify molecular targets to effectively treat patients with kidney cancer. As we familiarize ourselves with newer drugs for patients with kidney cancer, it is important to understand that these drugs may not work in every patient and instead may expose patients to unnecessary toxic effects along with burdening society with the financial impact. As we head toward the era of "precision medicine", validated biomarkers are being utilized to guide treatment choices and help identify pathways of resistance in other tumor types. The current review aims at evaluating the progress made so far in this realm for patients with kidney cancer.