
20대 기독 여성의 비자살적 자해 경험과 극복 경험에 관한 사례 연구
Document Type
신학논단 (2024): 211-243.
The main goal of this study is to develop deeply into a single case of non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) and the subsequent overcoming process among Christian women in her twenties. For this research, an in-depth counseling session was conducted with one such woman, providing an analysis of the experience and the recovery process from NSSI. The psychological dynamics of self-injury were examined in relation to the experiences with parental figures and the consequent formation of inner representations. Internal representations have been analyzed as 'I am not worthy of being loved,' 'There is no one to take care of me,' 'Everything is my fault,' and 'I deserve to be hurt.' Furthermore, considering the attributes of a Christian believer, the study scrutinized the specific influences of guilt and the image of God on the self-harming experiences. Guilt was analyzed as self-blame and religious guilt. The image of God was analyzed as 'a God who is unloving and uncaring' and 'a punishing God.' Based on the findings, discussions encompassed the psychological dynamics, understanding and role of a Christian counselor, the role of the community, revision and integration of guilt, and integration of God’s image.