
유세비우스『교회사』의 유월절 논쟁을 통해 재조명한 유세비우스의 이단의 기준 연구 / Reflection on Eusebios' understanding of heresy in the Paschal controversy of his Historia ecclesiastica
Document Type
Dissertation/ Thesis
유월절 논쟁
ABSTRACT Reflection on Eusebios' understanding of heresy in the Paschal controversy of his Historia ecclesiastica Chang Kuk KO Dept. of Graduate Schoolof TheologyHyupsung University Supervised by Prof. Dr. Jeong Ae HAN The purpose of this thesis is a study about Eusebios' understanding of heresy, especially his criteria for it, as stated in the Paschal controversy of his Historia ecclesiastica. In chapter one, I explained the Paschal controversy and introduced four kinds of general interpretations of it.In the following second chapter, I reconstructed the process of the Paschal controversy according to Eusebios' Historia ecclesiastica book 5, chapters 23 to 25. In chapters 3 and 4, I analyzed Eusebios' description of the Paschal controversy as given in his Historia ecclesiastica, focussing on the development of the controversy in chapter 3 and on Eusebios' concept of heresy in chapter 4. Through this research, I came to following results: 1. Among his records of heresies in every generation, Eusebios also deals with the Paschal controversy. 2. To Eusebios, the Paschal controversy was an event that showed the criteria how to discern between orthodoxy and heresy. 3. Eusebios understood the Paschal controversy as an event that occurred due to a difference of habit (tradition). 4. To Eusebios, habit was only something formal. 5. Eusebios understood the variety of habits found within the church as a proof of the orthodoxy of the church. 6. According to Eusebios, what separates orthodoxy from heresy are not formal differences but differences of the creed.