
Action acquisition by Memory Reinforcement Learning useing a prior knowledge / 事前知識を活用したMemory Reinforcement Learningによる行動獲得
Document Type
Journal Article
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI. 2018, :3
Obtaining a human-level control through reinforcement learning (RL) requires massive training. Furthermore, a deep learning-based RL method such as deep Q network (DQN) is difficult to obtain a stable control. In this paper, we propose a novel deep reinforcement learning method to learn stable controls efficiently. Our approach leverages the technique of experience replay and a replay buffer architecture. We manually create a desirable transition sequence and store the transition in the replay buffer at the beginning of training. This hand-crafted transition sequence enables us to avoid random action selections and optimum local policy. Experimental results on a lane-changing task of autonomous driving show that the proposed method can efficiently acquire a stable control.

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