
Isolation and characterization of microsatellites from a cicada, Yezoterpnosia nigricosta (Hemiptera: Cicadidae), distributed in subarctic and cool temperate forests
Document Type
Journal Article
Genes & Genetic Systems. 2020, 95(5):269
Yezoterpnosia nigricosta
climate change
population genetics
subarctic-cool temperate forest
The cicada Yezoterpnosia nigricosta (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) is distributed in subarctic and cool temperate forests in Japan, China and the Russian Far East. Due to its limited and isolated distribution at higher altitudes in cool temperate forests on the main island of Japan, especially in the central and southern areas, this species is listed as a threatened or near-threatened species on the Red List of 12 prefectures in Japan. Moreover, there are concerns about the impacts of climate change on the species’ distribution and population demography. In this study, seventeen microsatellite markers were developed for Y. nigricosta, and marker suitability was evaluated using 32 individuals from two populations in Nagano prefecture (central Japan) and Hokkaido, a northern island of Japan. The number of alleles, expected heterozygosity and fixation index at each locus were 1–15 (mean = 4.294), 0.000–0.914 (mean = 0.519) and −0.225–0.456 (mean = 0.108), respectively. Furthermore, there was moderate genetic differentiation between the two populations (FST = 0.111, F’ST = 0.237). These markers will be useful to evaluate the genetic structure and to infer population demographic history of Y. nigricosta populations, which can contribute to population genetics studies of this species.