
A Qualitative Study on Nutritional Awareness Among Parents of Pediatric Recipients of Liver or Kidney Transplants
Document Type
Academic Journal
Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare. January 31, 2024, Vol. 16, p83, 9 p.
Objective: The primary aim of this study was to examine the extent of nutritional awareness concerning dietary requisites within a cohort comprising pediatric recipients of liver and kidney transplants, along with their respective caregivers. The overarching goal was to establish a foundation for enhancing the dietary nutrition of this specific population. Methods: This was a qualitative research study, involving in-depth interviews and subsequent qualitative data analysis. Our sample included pediatric patients in a specific age range who had undergone a liver or kidney transplant, as well as their parents. The data analysis technique we used was content analysis. Results: The survey focused on knowledge of dietary requirements and restrictions, nutritional needs, and adherence to daily dietary requirements among pediatric patients and their respective caregivers. Approximately 30% of the parents lacked relevant nutritional awareness, 30% relied on a single source for acquiring nutritional knowledge, and 40% expressed a considerable need for nutritional guidance. Our findings revealed a deficiency in the understanding of nutritional and dietary requirements for children who have undergone a liver or kidney transplant. Their nutrient intake was unbalanced, and their dietary habits were irregular, highlighting the need for better nutritional guidance and monitoring. Conclusion: The nutritional awareness and knowledge of dietary requirements among pediatric liver and kidney transplant recipients and their care providers are inadequate. Medical professionals are urged to tackle this concern by imparting comprehensive education to parents regarding the nutritional prerequisites essential for their children post-transplant. This approach empowers parents to implement requisite dietary modifications effectively. Furthermore, healthcare institutions should augment the nutritional proficiency of their medical staff through meticulously structured training initiatives. Keywords: kidney transplant in children, liver transplant in children, nutritional awareness, nutritional support, qualitative study
Introduction Liver and kidney transplants are among the most effective treatment options for severe liver and kidney diseases in children. (1,2) Children undergoing a liver or kidney transplant are highly [...]