
Serum osteopontin levels in patients with psoriasis vulgaris and its relation with oxidative stress/Psoriazis vulgariste serum osteopontin duzeyi ve bunun oksidatif stres ile iliskisi
Original Investigation/Orijinal Arastirma
Document Type
Academic Journal
Turkish Archives of Dermatology and Venereology. June 2023, Vol. 57 Issue 2, p61, 5 p.
Care and treatment
Development and progression
Medical research
Psoriasis -- Development and progression -- Care and treatment
Antioxidants (Nutrients)
Medicine, Experimental
Introduction Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory hyperproliferative skin disease, and its exact etiology is currently unknown (1). It is thought that the disease starts with the activation of T-cells and [...]
Background and Design: Oxidative stress is known to play a role in the etiopathogenesis of psoriasis. Recent data suggest that osteopontin (OPN) can also play a role in the pathogenesis of psoriasis. In the current study, OPN levels and oxidative stress were evaluated in patients with psoriasis. Materials and Methods: The study included 61 patients with psoriasis and 62 healthy controls. The OPN levels, total antioxidant status (TAS), total oxidant status (TOS), and oxidative stress index (OSI) were measured using serum. The disease severity was evaluated using the psoriasis area and severity index (PASI). Results: No statistically significant differences in OPN, TAS, and OSI values were identified between the psoriasis and control groups. A negative correlation was found with the TAS. There was no statistically significant correlation between the PASI score and OPN, TAS, TOS, and OSI values. Conclusion: We did not find a statistically significant correlation between OPN levels and oxidative stress in patients with psoriasis. We believe that larger and more detailed studies are needed to highlight the role of OPN and oxidative stress in the etiopathogenesis of psoriasis. Keywords: Psoriasis, osteopontin, oxidative stress, etiology Amac: Psoriazis etiyopatogenezinde, oksidatif stresin rolu oldugu dusunulmektedir. Son zamanlarda, osteopontinin (OPN) psoriazis patogenezinde rol aldigini savunan calismalar yayinlanmaktadir. Bu calismada; psoriazis hastalarinda, OPN ve oksidatif stres degerlendirilecektir. Gerec ve Yontem: Calismaya 61 psoriazis vulgaris hastasi ve 62 saglikli kontrol katildi. OPN, total antioksidan seviye (TAS), total oksidan seviye (TOS) serum duzeyleri ve oksitadif stres indeksi (OSI) olculdu. Hastalik siddeti psoriazis alan siddet indeksi (PASI) kullanilarak degerlendiririldi. Bulgular: Psoriazis vulgaris hastalari ile kontrol grubu arasinda serum OPN, TAS, OSI duzeyleriyle ilgili istatistiksel olarak anlamli fark saptanmadi. TOS degerlerinde ise negatif iliskili korelasyon bulundu. PASI ile OPN, TAS, TOS, OSI arasinda anlamli istatistiksel korelasyon tespit edilmedi. Sonuc: Psoriazis hastalarinda, OPN ile oksidatif stres korelasyon iliskisi acisindan anlamli istatistiksel fark tespit etmedik. Psoriazis etiyopatogenezinde OPN ve oksidatif stres rollerinin daha iyi aydinlatilmasi icin genis ve kapsamli calismalara ihtiyac duyuldugu kanisindayiz. Anahtar Kelimeler: Psoriazis, osteopontin, oksidatif stres, etiyoloji