
L’interazione tra il SITAR e la banca dati del servizio di antropologia della SSBAR.
Document Type
Field archaeology
Scienze e tecnologie dei beni culturali
Recent developments in the excavation and osteological studies of human skeletal remains have shown the need to adopt a computer-based approach, which is able to integrate the knowledge and skills acquired in recent years by different branches of archaeo-antropological studies, using modern and innovative tools. JASs (Journal of Anthropological Sciences) has repeatedly promoted a renewal of the practices related to information management, both through the creation of the forum Sharing databases in digital Anthropology, and through the publication of many international works linked to this topic. In order to address the management of large amounts of anthropological and paleopathological data and their subsequent processing and interpretation, the Division of Paleopathology of Pisa University has created an extensive project relating to excavation and laboratory activities designed to develop a number of data storage protocols and subsequent inclusion into a GIS system. This project has been essentially organized into a tripartite structure; the information system includes two main protocols designed by the research team of the Division of Paleopathology of the University of Pisa that work on an OS Windows: 1. the software SIUS manages the skeletal unit computer records, which aim to store all the archaeological, taphonomic and anthropological data recorded on the field during archaeological excavations; 2. the software BONES stores and handles the dozens of anthropological and paleopathological records compiled during the examination of the skeletal remains in the laboratory. The GIS system allows interaction between the protocols using the two types of software.