
Distant RF field sensing with a passive Rydberg-atomic transducer
Document Type
Working Paper
Appl. Phys. Lett. 123, 144003 (2023)
Quantum Physics
Physics - Instrumentation and Detectors
We combine a rubidium vapor cell with a corner-cube prism reflector to form a passive RF transducer, allowing the detection of microwave signals at a location distant from the active components required for atomic sensing. This compact transducer} has no electrical components and is optically linked to an active base station by a pair of free-space laser beams that establish an electromagnetically induced transparency scenario. Microwave signals at the transducer location are imprinted onto an optical signal which is detected at the base station. Our sensing architecture with a remote standalone transducer unit adds important flexibility to Rydberg-atom based sensing technologies, which are currently subject to significant attention. We demonstrate a \sim 30 m link with no particular effort and foresee significant future prospects of achieving a much larger separation between the transducer and the base station.
Comment: accepted for publication in Appl. Phys. Lett