
Extending Multilingual Speech Synthesis to 100+ Languages without Transcribed Data
Document Type
Working Paper
Electrical Engineering and Systems Science - Audio and Speech Processing
Computer Science - Sound
Collecting high-quality studio recordings of audio is challenging, which limits the language coverage of text-to-speech (TTS) systems. This paper proposes a framework for scaling a multilingual TTS model to 100+ languages using found data without supervision. The proposed framework combines speech-text encoder pretraining with unsupervised training using untranscribed speech and unspoken text data sources, thereby leveraging massively multilingual joint speech and text representation learning. Without any transcribed speech in a new language, this TTS model can generate intelligible speech in >30 unseen languages (CER difference of <10% to ground truth). With just 15 minutes of transcribed, found data, we can reduce the intelligibility difference to 1% or less from the ground-truth, and achieve naturalness scores that match the ground-truth in several languages.
Comment: To appear in ICASSP 2024. Demo page: https://google.github.io/tacotron/publications/extending_tts/