
Observation of an excitonic Mott transition through ultrafast core-$\textit{cum}$-conduction photoemission spectroscopy
Document Type
Working Paper
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 096401 (2020)
Condensed Matter - Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics
Condensed Matter - Materials Science
Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons
Time-resolved soft-X-ray photoemission spectroscopy is used to simultaneously measure the ultrafast dynamics of core-level spectral functions and excited states upon excitation of excitons in WSe$_2$. We present a many-body approximation for the Green's function, which excellently describes the transient core-hole spectral function. The relative dynamics of excited-state signal and core levels reveals a delayed core-hole renormalization due to screening by excited quasi-free carriers, revealing an excitonic Mott transition. These findings establish time-resolved core-level photoelectron spectroscopy as a sensitive probe of subtle electronic many-body interactions and an ultrafast electronic phase transition.
Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures