
Parodi family
Document Type
Reference Entry
Ferrari, Oreste, author; Newcome, M., author
Oxford Art Online, 2003
Italian family of artists. Giovanni Battista Parodi (i) was a wood-carver, and his son (1) Filippo Parodi was a sculptor and wood-carver. The reputations of Filippo’s sons, (2) Domenico Parodi and Giovanni Battista Parodi (ii) (b 1674; d 1730), were primarily based on their fresco paintings, though Domenico was also active in other fields. Giovanni Battista Parodi (ii) is best known for his vault (1706) in S Pietro in Vincoli, Rome, and vault medallions (c. 1706) in S Maria dell’Orto, Rome. Most of his career was spent outside Genoa, in Milan and Bergamo, and, in contrast with his brother’s frescoes, the figures in his works are generally more distinctly outlined and set in highly detailed still-life compositions. Oreste Ferrari (b Genoa, 1630; d Genoa, July 22, 1702). Sculptor and wood-carver. Ratti stated that Filippo first worked as a wood-carver and went to Rome twice, staying for six years each time. The time Parodi spent in Rome is vital for the understanding of the stylistic characteristics of his work. The crowning of the pediment of the altar of the Virgin in S Maria delle Vigne, Genoa, with allegorical figures of ...